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The Birth of a Running Club.


Our mission is to promote and encourage running within the local community and surrounding villages by delivering group runs for EVERYONE, from beginners who are new to running, to the more experienced and performance-based runner and by setting up regular meeting venues in Boston and the villages to bring people together to jog, run and enjoy great company within the community around them. Through fundraising ideas we hope to be able to promote and support local needy causes whilst keeping fit, healthy and happy.

Our members love to run around this part of Lincolnshire but they also participate in a wide number of events such as organised races both locally and nationally, social get-together runs, charity runs and parkrun too. In Boston we are lucky to have our very own parkrun which is an invigorating way to start the weekend and a great way of meeting like minded folk. Many runners have started at parkrun by walking and steadily progressed from there. If you are thinking about getting fitter, want to lose a few pounds or even try something different then you will usually find some of us at parkrun and we will help you get started from a walk through to running....and that wont cost you a penny!!

Why belong to a club? Regular exercise takes motivation and after a hard days work, the first thing you want to do is sit down and the last thing is to go out running. Belonging to a group of similar minded people helps to give you that extra “push” to get out, and once you have done just that the most common statement is "I'm so glad I came out". The buzz you get is great.

There's no better feeling than that feeling of belonging. To wear a top with your home town on gives you a sense of pride and achievement. Boston is a fabulous town, our villages are traditional and friendly. Through running our aim is to get folk out and about, to help and take pride in the community around them, to raise awareness and promote the good that surrounds us whilst getting fit, making friends and loving life! Whether you are a seasoned runner, a speed king, a mile muncher, a jogger or a plodder, we'd love you to be part of the community.

So, if you are looking to start running, or whether you are looking to simply keep fit, meet new friends and have a bit of fun, run your first 5k/10k/half marathon or full marathon, improve personal performance or enter competitive races then why not join our laid back Community? We simply love to run, love our area and wish to spread the word...

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